Post-civil war in Syria: threats and challenges


  • Jonnathan Jiménez Reina Escuela Superior de Guerra



International Security, Middle East, Threats, Syrian Postwar Period.


Before 2011, Syria was one of the most powerful states in the Middle East. Although most Syrians are Sunni, their government was Shia Alawite, which was not an impediment for the industrialization and development of the country. Syria started to be on the international spotlight due to the social, political and economic problems which surrounded it, besides the beginning of the Arab Spring, which was a trigger for the violent situation of the Syrian state. The civil war in Syria has brought different consequences for the region and the world: In the regional panorama, threats such as migratory crises, radical jihadism movements with more potential have raised and increased, and violence cycles have strengthened. As for the international scene, the international security agenda has shifted the focus of attention: interventions of all kinds have been carried out within the fragmented State. The impact of violence in the region has been reflected in the hundreds of victims in both the eastern and western hemispheres. As a result of globalization, both battlefields and weapons of war used by States and violent non-state actors have increased. With the end of the war in Syria, there are consequences both on the regional and global spectrums which modify the relations of power and tactics used by the states to maintain their interests.


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Author Biography

  • Jonnathan Jiménez Reina, Escuela Superior de Guerra

    Asistente Editorial Estudios en Seguridad y Defensa Editor Observatorio S&D Centro de Estudios Estratégicos sobre Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales - CEESEDEN
    Carrera 11 N° 102-50
    Bogotá - Colombia

    Magister en Seguridad y Defensa Nacionales
    Escuela Superior de Guerra
    Profesional en Política y Relaciones Internacionales
    Universidad Sergio Arboleda


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Management and Strategy

How to Cite

Post-civil war in Syria: threats and challenges. (2017). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 12(1), 166-175.