Financial Evaluation of Projects and their Contribution to the Generation of Corporate Value
Financial evaluation, financial indicators, investment, corporate value.Abstract
Companies are constantly looking forward to establishing continuous improvement processes in order to migrate from the current situations to those desired. To achieve it, they use formulation, evaluation and implementation of investment projects, which should generate corporate value, i.e., they must be aligned with the organization’s strategic plan. In consequence, the business goal becomes generating value for shareholders. To determine the profitability of the projects, we appeal to their financial evaluation, which allows comparing costs and benefits of different investment alternatives.
Tools that can be used in the financial evaluation of alternatives are varied. The relationship between financial evaluation of projects and generating corporate value is not only limited to the selection of profitable projects, but it also includes making decisions regarding ongoing projects in order to make improvements that can reduce costs or increase profits. This article is one of the results of a research project framing projects within complex environments. 13 possible indicators for determining goodness of financial investment alternatives were stated within the main findings.
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