Characterization of the Aerospace Cluster in the Valle del Cauca Applying the Qualitative Method that Permits Identifying the Competitive Management Strategies


  • Juan Pablo Hernández Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez
  • Diego Fernando Morante Granobles Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez



Aerospace, Cluster, Competitiveness, Qualitative, Management.


The purpose of this work was to document the current state of the companies, academy and government entities that make up the Valle del Cauca Aerospace Cluster, through analysis and synthesis using the qualitative method through interviews with the expert actors of the Sector selected for their knowledge and experience, with the information obtained, the diagnosis and analysis of the current state in which the sector is found through the use of the DOFA matrix, allowing the identification of the competitive strategies that will serve as input Part of the research assistance of the Doctoral Thesis titled "Technology and Innovation in the Design of a Management Model for the Development of the Valle del Cauca (Col) Aerospace Cluster" to consolidate a management proposal for the development of the Aeronautical Cluster in Cauca's Valley.


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Author Biographies

  • Juan Pablo Hernández, Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez
    Estudiante de Administración Aeronáutica, Alférez de la EMAVI, Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez. Cali, Colombia.
  • Diego Fernando Morante Granobles, Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez
    Administrador de Empresas, Especialista en Gestión Tecnológica e Innovacion,Magister en Ingeniería Industrial, docente Escuela Militar de Aviación Marco Fidel Suárez, Cali, Colombia.


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics

How to Cite

Characterization of the Aerospace Cluster in the Valle del Cauca Applying the Qualitative Method that Permits Identifying the Competitive Management Strategies. (2017). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 12(1), 60-70.