Analysis of aeronautical clusters referring to the development of the Colombian aerospace cluster


  • Andrés Felipe Bello Zapata Fuerza Aérea Colombiana



Colombian Aeronautical Cluster, Aeronautical Cluster, Cluster´s Develop


Intended to foster the dynamic integration of manufacturers, operators, research centers, and services providers, aeronautical clusters have been identified as international promoters of the aeronautical industry growth in terms of technology development and business performance. That is the case of the Colombian Aerospace Cluster (CAC), that through its achievements, growth, and development has proven an indisputable leader in the aeronautical sector nationwide. With the objective of contributing to this leadership, the present article review aims to determine analytically which of the strengths and practices that have enabled seven major international aeronautical clusters to be successful around the world can be adopted by the Colombian Aerospace Cluster. The feasibility of implementing these strategies was assessed accordingly to the actual capabilities of the Colombian Aerospace Cluster demonstrated during the first half of 2016.


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Author Biography

  • Andrés Felipe Bello Zapata, Fuerza Aérea Colombiana
    Teniente Fuerza Aérea Colombiana


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Operational Safety and Aviation Logistics

How to Cite

Analysis of aeronautical clusters referring to the development of the Colombian aerospace cluster. (2017). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 12(1), 36-58.