“BIOMEPRO” software for the conditioning of superficial emg signals and obtention of relevant parameters


  • Robin Blanco Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Andrés Cifuentes Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
  • Mauricio Plaza Universidad Militar Nueva Granada




Electromyography, Java, RMS Wrapping, Signal Processing


This article presents the development of BioMePro, a software tool for the processing of superficial electromyography (EMG) samples, implemented in JAVA, a multiplatform language, object oriented and interpreted code, language chosen in order to facilitate the portability of the Software in mention. BioMePro facilitates the work of extracting characteristics of superficial EMG signals, useful for inference systems such as neural networks or vector support machines, from a clear and easy to use interface with a varied set of options that allow to select the best processing that is required for a specific application. As a data acquisition system, the BiosignalPlux® equipment was used, the EMG test signals from the software that were captured through the implementation of a protocol for recording right forearm pronation movements in healthy young patients, a protocol chosen by its simplicity of implementation and reliability in the samples.


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Author Biographies

  • Robin Blanco, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    Ingeniero Mecatrónico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, estudiante de la Maestría en Ingeniería Mecatrónica de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, Colombia
  • Andrés Cifuentes, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    Ingeniero Mecatrónico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Magíster en Ingeniería Mecatrónica de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada.
  • Mauricio Plaza, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    Ingeniero Eléctrico de la Universidad de los Andes, Doctor en Ingeniería con énfasis en Realidad Virtual y  Bioingeniería. Investigador de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada. Bogotá, Colombia


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

“BIOMEPRO” software for the conditioning of superficial emg signals and obtention of relevant parameters. (2016). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.18667/cienciaypoderaereo.531