Transgressions of Human Rights as a Result of the Illegal Traffic Coltan in the Department of Guainía


  • Hermann David González Garzón Escuela Superior de Guerra



Cachiveras, Coltan, Systemic Injury, Violence Markets


This article explores and delves into the impact on the population of the department of Guainía is exploitation and illegal Coltán market given the possible violation of human rights and the integrity of the people by the pressure of criminal networks operating there in connection with the tentacles of international mineral traffic. The Coltán exploitation testifies that the human rights of its people experience severe injuries migratory flow illegality forced triggers and working conditions to those subjected to these groups. Through three sections structured in a descriptive, analytical and evaluative exercise of this reality, it is assumed the reader locate socially and legally about what this part of the country accounting for illicit routes and how the absence of consistent legal framework that mitigates the blatant neglect phenomenon of those who fall prey to organized crime, further exacerbates the harmful effects of illegal logging, in the period 2010-2012. With considerable information that broadens the scope of analysis about what Colombian Coltán exploitation is representing global illegal market, we study the planning component, and corrective paths to the future, to collect strategic importance in the insertion of a public policy to reduce the threat to the lives of the residents of the area and ensure the dignity of workers in the mining sector and their quality of life.


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Author Biography

  • Hermann David González Garzón, Escuela Superior de Guerra
    Oficial en grado de Capitán de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana. Magíster en Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional de los Conflictos Armados. Escuela Superior de Guerra.


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Management and Strategy

How to Cite

Transgressions of Human Rights as a Result of the Illegal Traffic Coltan in the Department of Guainía. (2015). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 10(1), 151-168.