The Intervention of the ICRC in Protecting the Dignity of Victims of Military and Police in Armed Conflict against FARC in Colombia
Armed Conflict, Dignity of Victims, International Humanitarian Law, Human Rights, International Committee of the Red Cross Armed Forces, FARCAbstract
The many armed conflicts in the world demand a constant and permanent analysis of the actions from the international organizations, that in one way or another plays a decisive role in the understanding and support of the different actors of armed conflicts, this facing an internal armed conflict in Colombia between the Armed Forces of the State and FARC. This article summarizes an investigation within a specified type of descriptive- analytical, with time analysis retro – prospective study, within a universe and shows that the ICRC's annual reports for Colombia 1998 - 2010 analyze the actions of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Colombia, during the period between 1998 and 2010 regarding the actions concerning the protection of human rights of members of the Armed Forces of Colombia and their families. Its main objective is to pose a proposal to intervene the actions of the ICRC for the protection of the dignity of victims of armed conflict with the FARC in the Colombian state, so that it aims for the protection of members of the Armed Forces of Colombia in pursuit of respect for Human Rights. Finally after the development of this research, we highlight that there’s no evidence of a fair standard in the care of victims of the armed conflict with the FARC, among civilian casualties unrelated to the public forces and those who do not belong to them. These reflections will be deepened on the findings of this research.
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