Biotelemetry Applications for Three Vital Signals


  • Leonardo Juan Ramírez López Nueva Granada Military University
  • Andrés Fernando Marín López Nueva Granada Military University
  • Yuli Paola Cifuentes Sanabria Nueva Granada Military University



Arduino® Mega ADK, Biotelemetry, Bluetooth, Vital Signs


Information and communication technologies recently have allowed the complex design of transmission system, and the reception and analysis of biological signal. The monitoring of biological signals and the establishment of a continuous monitoring of different physiological parameters of the patient and the prevention of diseases characterize these kinds of systems. The biotelemetry system due to its complexity and cost has the disadvantage of not being affordable for communities isolated from health services. This reason has caught the attention of researchers of the group TIGUM, who have developed biotelemetry architecture that is functional and operational at short-range. Using Arduino® Mega ADK platform, useful for the diagnosis and prevention of diseases through the data registration and traceability of three vital signs. The architecture uses Bluetooth and ZigBee technologies to facilitate the transmission and the visualization of signals in different electronic devices.


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Author Biographies

  • Leonardo Juan Ramírez López, Nueva Granada Military University
    Ingeniero Electrónico, Magíster en Ing. Sistemas y Doctor en Ing. Biomédica. Líder del Grupo de Investigación en Telemedicina de la UMNG - TIGUM, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Andrés Fernando Marín López, Nueva Granada Military University
    Estudiante de Ingeniería en Telecomunicaciones de la UMNG. Semillero Mizar del Grupo de Investigación en Telemedicina de la UMNG - TIGUM, Bogotá, Colombia.
  • Yuli Paola Cifuentes Sanabria, Nueva Granada Military University
    Ingeniera Industrial, Joven investigadora del Grupo de Investigación GISSIC de la UMNG, Bogotá, Colombia.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Biotelemetry Applications for Three Vital Signals. (2015). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 10(1), 179-186.