Cooking Food in Bogota Using a Box Cooker


  • Silvio Alejandro Jiménez Castellanos University Foundation Los Libertadores
  • Luis Carlos Rátiva Prieto University Foundation Los Libertadores



Basic Design, Computational Simulation, Mathematical Modeling, Solar Cooking, Solar Thermal


This paper aims to present the transient temperature field of a basic box type solar cooker (without attachments such as double glazing, internal reflectors, external reflectors, steam relief line, etc.) for Bogotá – Colombia climate conditions, in order to determine if this device can cook on its town. The methodology consisted of three main stages: the development of a physical – mathematical model for heating process, based on energy balances for each of its components: glass container lid, container, absorber wall and fluid, the development of a computational experiment in the software Autodesk Algor Simulation and the comparison of the results. The final water temperature obtained by the physical - mathematical model was 81.85 ℃, and the maximum obtained with the thermal simulation was 79.60 ℃. From the results, it can be concluded that conditions in Bogotá DC are not appropriate to cook with a device of this kind.


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Author Biographies

  • Silvio Alejandro Jiménez Castellanos, University Foundation Los Libertadores
    Magíster en docencia de la Universidad de la Salle, Ingeniero mecánico de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Docente tiempo completo Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, Líder del grupo de investigación GIDAD mecánica, dinamizador del semillero de investigación RETP
  • Luis Carlos Rátiva Prieto, University Foundation Los Libertadores
    Ingeniero mecánico Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores, miembro del grupo de investigación GIDAD mecánica, ingeniero de proyectos empresa COLPILAS.


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Technology and Innovation

How to Cite

Cooking Food in Bogota Using a Box Cooker. (2015). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 10(1), 195-208.