Porous Borders : illegal Mining and Drug Trafficking as Latent Threats to Security
Transnational Crime, Drug Trafficking, FFMM, Interoperability, Illegal Mining, StrategyAbstract
Transnational crime has become a latent threat to the security of the Colombian State and other countries of the region, calling for strategic actions by the security forces that go beyond the joint coordinated operations, requiring for its capacity and dynamism, the action within a framework of interoperability. In this sense, it provides a descriptive analysis of two major transnational threats affecting some Latin American countries and an approach given by the author on the strategy on how to deal with such challenges. This reflection paper is divided into three phases with a focus on qualitative research and documentary, descriptive and purposeful review. The first phase is an analysis of the evolution of the concept of security and transnational crime, the second, studies the specific case of drug trafficking and illegal mining, and the third one shows the recommendations made in order to demonstrate why should we deal with it in a coordinated manner and within a framework of cooperation and integration between states
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