Study and simulation of tornados in the geographical area of barranquilla


  • Ernesto Díaz Unicosta



Simulation, tornado, physical variables, computational models


 Within the convective phenomena that have been increasing in Barranquilla are the tornados that struck specific geographical areas, especially in the south west of the city, producing considerable physical damages in the structures of dwellings and businesses with sometimes the loss of human lives. The complexity of the problem and its multiple interactions make computational models that try to simulate the physics of the climatic phenomenon the only way to evaluate these changes; however they have a limited precision due to the ignorance of the condition of the atmosphere.

 In this first phase of the investigation we focus on the behavior of tornados in the metropolitan area of Barranquilla, exploring all the available literature on its level of occurrence in the city, the kind of damage generated in the surrounding area, the historical data of physical variables that explain their origin and the different computational models of parameters in the local geography.



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Author Biography

  • Ernesto Díaz, Unicosta

    Docente Investigador, Unicosta. Magíster en Ciencias Computacionales, ITESM, con estudios de Doctorado en Ingeniería de Software – Universidad de Vigo, España. Artículo derivado de la investigación Simulador de tornados para el Comando Aéreo de Combate No. 3 de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana, grupo de investigación GIACUC, Convenio Fuerza Aérea – Unicosta.


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How to Cite

Study and simulation of tornados in the geographical area of barranquilla. (2012). Ciencia Y Poder Aéreo, 7(1), 32-45.