Notes on Globalization: Cultural, Technological, and Economic Aspects
Cultural Globalization, Economic Globalization, New World Order, Processes of Integration, Technological GlobalizationAbstract
The internationalization of economies with the consequent opening of the markets, the modernization of both public and private organisms; the increase in competitiveness; privatization; reduction in the size of the state; and economic interconnectedness, both by economic regionalization of geographic areas and by the integration of markets in dissimilar geographic regions; are some of the characteristics of the global shift or new world order. Within this context, this article intends to analyze the phenomenon of globalization in its cultural, economic, and technological aspects. These components have permeated various sectors of society on a global level, thus creating integration and interrelations among diverse actors, in which the state does not act alone but it is joined by other actors from the international system. Hence, this article seeks to analyze the behavior of the global village and culture within the phenomenon of globalization, from economic and technological aspects. It highlights the importance of communication media or the so-called information age, the global financial market and, finally, the role played by integrative processes and the need to restructure principal international institutions.Downloads
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