Simulators for Training in the Colombian Air Force
Emulation, Simulation, Simulation in the Colombian Air ForceAbstract
Simulation is a technique that involves software engineering, mechanical engineering and electrical engineering, as well emulation, which defines mathematical models to provide a machine with functional specifications for real-time operation of identical behavior to its counterpart to imitate. Moreover, to emulate is a duplication of the operations of something, trying to match them and even to exceed them. In this way, a machine is provided with simulation and emulation in real time, designing machines able to imitate and mimic others, without the risks, human or of infrastructure involved in reality, with the emulation according to the machine to equal. Training can be done on these machines, to provide and evaluate required skills to be developed in real life, in order to reduce costs and times implied. Thus, the objective of this article is to provide an insight into aviation simulators implemented in the Colombian Air Force.Downloads
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