Strategic Planning in Colombian MSMEs: a contribution for contractors companies of the Colombian Air Force
Contractor, Economy, Market, Planning, SMEs, Strategic PlanningAbstract
Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a primary role in the economic development of countries and Colombia is no exception: they serve as auxiliary tissue of large companies who hire these companies to provide services that being included in the overall production of these imply a cost increase. One of the definitions of strategic planning is related to goal setting and development of procedures and methods to achieve them. To do so, guidelines should be established, having a direct impact on the achievement of competitive advantages that will allow the company to stay in perpetuity in the market. Thus, strategic management is consolidated as a cornerstone of such organizations, which support mostly the Colombian economy. The aim of this article is to show some relating concepts to the importance of planning and strategic direction and likewise to show those variables that explain in bigger proportionality the sustainability of an organization in relation to the strategic direction, and a Model of Modernization for Organizational Management (MMOM) developed by the EAN University in Colombia.
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