Permanent call for the reception of articles C&PA journal
Respected teachers and researchers
The FAC Graduate School invites the entire scientific and academic community to participate in the next issue of the Ciencia y Poder Aéreo journal.
The journal is a scientific publication focused on the topics of AD Astra Space Development, Comprehensive Security, Education and ICT, Operational Safety and Aeronautical Logistics, Management and Strategy, and Technology and Innovation, and publishes original and unpublished articles, the product of research work. national and international, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, under the following typology:
- Original scientific article
- Review article
- reflection article
The publication is indexed in Sires of great prestige, such as Redalyc, Ebsco, Erih Plus, Latindex Catálgo 2.0 and Directory, among others. This can increase the impact of the accepted articles, which is why it can be of great interest to researchers who want to increase the dissemination of their academic works.
The journal does not require authors to pay to publish their articles. Once received, the articles go through two review processes, one internal, carried out by the editorial team, and another external, carried out by two blind peers.
We hope to have your collaborations soon.
Learn about the editorial policies and instructions for authors on the journal's web portal:
Submit your documents at:
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